
Aloha! Have a great day and thank you for visiting our page.

House Rules Update

Have you ever wondered what the process is to reserve the Recreation Deck for a private party or what the quiet hours are? The House Rules is a great resource with answers to those questions and many more. Please click on the link below for a current copy of the House Rules.

The Villa on Eaton Square – House Rules as of 08.01.2016

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Management Office at (808) 941-1411.

Annual Newsletters are here!

The annual newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure, please click here to download: Villa Newsletter – March 2016_rev5. The newsletter features items such as a Letter From the Board, an overview of 2015 Building projects and updates on 2016 Building Projects and various Building facts.

Meet the Villa Team, just one of the features of the newsletter:

Meet the Villa Team!

All Owners of Record as of April 2016 will also receive a printed copy of the newsletter by mail. To discontinue receiving a printed copy, please email and provide the following information:

SUBJECT LINE: Remove from Newsletter Mailing

  1. Unit Number
  2. Name
  3. Email Address

All future newsletters will be provided via email and posted on our website.

January 2015

The Villa Voice

Volume 4 by Atrious Alexander General Manager

Current and Up-coming Event’s

Aloha folks, we want to remind everyone that the up-coming Association’s Annual Meeting will be held on the Recreation Deck; Monday, March 10th, 2014 starting at 7:00 pm. Sign in will begin at 6:30pm. But, we will have drinks and pupu’s available from 6:00 pm. Please come early if you want to talk story or meet with friends and neighbors.

Fire Alarm Testing

Our Annual Fire Alarm testing was re-scheduled and will be done on Wednesday, January 22, 2014. The testing will be from 8 am until 2 pm. During this time there will be noise and intermittent ringing of the bells. The alarms will all be tested and the staff drilled on their emergency responses. This is only a test and is to ensure everyone’s safety. If you have questions or concerns please contact the General Manager at your convenience.

Board Meeting

The next regular meeting of the board of Directors is on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm on the recreation deck. All owners are invited and encouraged to attend. This is the time to bring your questions and concerns directly to the board. For anyone unable to attend the meeting you are always welcome to put your questions and comments in writing and submit them to the General Manager a week before the meeting. They will then be reviewed by the board during or after the regular meeting.

Plumbing Leaks

We have had a lot of plumbing leaks recently and want to ask all of our residents to please take the time and inspect your plumbing fixtures. If you’re in doubt about something please call the General or Operations Manager who will be glad to assist you. One of us is here every morning of everyday.

Maintenance Issue

Did you know we have maintenance personnel here everyday? This allows us to offer AC service each day including on the weekends. Additionally, you can schedule at your convenience, even in the evenings should you choose to be present during the work. We always prefer someone to be home. If you give us written permission on the AC notices, the work can be done in your absence. It’s important that it be done so don’t throw away the notice you received with no action taken. We continue to have more and more leaks from clogged AC pans. This could simply be avoided if folks would fill out and return the notices. Thank you to all those who do this.

Update Your Registration

Please let us know if you have changed your phone number or moved from one unit to another? We also need to ensure your emergency contact information is kept current. When there is a leak or any other kind of emergency it is imperative that we be able to contact you. If you’re not sure, just call us and ask us to validate your information. We can check to see if its current. Please also include in your registration if you have animals or park a vehicle in the garage.

Free Wi-Fi

We have free wi-fi available for all Residents use on both the Recreation Deck and in the ground floor lobby. Please feel free to avail yourself of this amenity. Ask security to help you set it up if you’re having trouble logging in.

Farewell to the Newsletter

This is the last newsletter that we will send to off-site owners for a while so please sign up via email for future ones.

Smoker’s Note

Dropping cigarette’s over the lanais is not just against the house rules, it is also a criminal offense of endangerment. Because you could harm another person or create a fire, the bottom line is; don’t do it! Anyone caught will be prosecuted. I’m saddened to have to write this, but it’s necessary because a few people have already done this.

Please Visit Our Website

We want to invite everyone to sign up for our notifications and newsletters via email. Just send us an email at: [Click to Open] Please use the word Notices as your subject heading. Then we will add you to our email list. This can help save us printing and mailing costs. Notices and current events are always on the website and you may contact the building and all its resources through the website as well.

Animal Reminders

Please do not let your four legged friends run loose in the hallways. Also whenever possible please try to avoid crowding into a full elevator with an animal. Some folks are sensitive to these things because they have allergies or have been frightened or bitten. We want to do our best to make everyone happy by respecting boundaries.

Recent Changes

The past notices for Diversified exterminators are no longer valid. We will post new ones as it gets closer to their return time in March. They require that anyone sighing up to have their unit treated at the discounted rate call them directly to arrange payment and scheduling.

For your reference Diversified Exterminators has a new phone number 377-6109.

On a related note, since they come only every three months a good remedy for the interim to help keep pests away is to purchase and use your own roach motels such as the ones they offer next door at the Food Pantry or City Mill.


The board approved the addition of a mixed recycling container in the back at our November meeting. At a cost of only a $100.00 per month this allows us to offer you a greater diversity in recycling some of your refuse materials. Please use the bins in the chute room. You may now drop off all glass (not just bottles), any kind of bi-metal or aluminum (most all cans), all types of plastic ( not just water bottles), and you can also leave cardboard and paper. Please help


December 2014

The Villa Voice
Volume 3 by Atrious Alexander General Manager

downloadLet’s Keep the Noise Down

We all have neighbors around us, that is part of living in a condominium and community association. Please be considerate of your fellow residents and do your best to keep noise down, especially after hours. No one likes being awakened by barking dogs in the middle of the night. Our four legged friends are subject to the same rules as the Residents who own them. On a related note, please be aware that since you do live in an apartment and not a house there is going to be more noise than if you were by yourself. So consideration needs to run both ways, we each need to be more considerate and tolerant of others if we’re going to live here with any level of peace or harmony. So thank you in advance for helping to be good neighbors.

download (1)We’re Going Green

Help The Villa in our continuing efforts to go green. Inside each trash room there are small bins which can be used to segregate your paper, cardboard, aluminum, glass, and plastic. We empty this once a day or more if necessary. It doesn’t matter which bin you use. Our contractor takes it all together as a mixed recycling and sorts it for us. If you have large items or boxes we ask that you bring those down and put them in the large dumpster which is in the back. And, you may ask security to assist you if need be.

EmergencyJust a Reminder

  • Please do not throw anything off of the lanais (water, rubbish, cigarette butts, etc.). Also, please do not hang anything on the lanais’ railing.
  • All occupants need to register with the General Manager or Security within 48 hours of occupancy.
  • Residential Apartments shall not be used for commercial business’s or trades of any kind.
  • If an emergency concerns FIRE, POLICE, or MEDICAL—Dial 911.
  • If an emergency concerns plumbing, electrical, etc. which endangers life or property, and it cannot wait until the next business day, notify the Security Desk ASAP.
  • The motor court in the front is for 15 minute loading or unloading only. Anyone leaving their vehicle unattended must sign in with security. We will begin towing vehicles that park in or block the entrance and exit ways.

EmergencyAir Conditioner Servicing

Have you had your AC serviced recently? The AC’s are always up and coming. We offer a basic service in house for free as a courtesy to all owners/residents. Once a quarter (every 3 months)
we will come in for basic service with your permission only. At least 1/4 of our notices go unreturned. The result of the non responses is that every week we consistently get leaks caused by a neglected AC units. If you’re not having your unit professionally serviced or you are a tenant and in doubt please call us. Don’t wait until there is a problem which affects you and others. This has become a building-wide problem and will ultimately increase our cost of insurance which affects the owners maintenance fees, and may be passed on to tenants as an increase
in rent.

Use of the Gym

downloadUse of the Gym

When using the equipment in the gym, please keep in mind the residents in the apartment below. The hours of operation for the gym are from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Please be conscious of the noise factor, especially early in the morning and late at night. Avoid dropping weights on the floor.